So here's the deal, i'm sat there playing diamond on my DS when the doorbell rings. It's Uncle stephanie, my old uncle steve who's halfway through a sex change or somethin'. But right now he looks like some fat guy in a dress. Anyways i'm about to catch this uber sweet Bronzor XD, when my pop comes in and asks me to go grab uncle stephanie a soda pop from the kitchen and im all dude wtf?
so anyways im coming back from the kitchen and, wtf, uncle stephanie is sat where i was sitting on the couch! I order him to stand up and DUDE, he's squished my DS, the stylus is snapped in two. I kicked him as hard as i could in the shin and screamed at the top of my lungs until my pop came rushing in. I cried and said uncle stephanie had touched me in my pants. Dad punched her and called the police, but the best thing is i can get a new DS and maybe a wii! XD
That'll teach uncle stephanie
woah man that sucks...
did u have a DS lite or a regular DS?
cuz if you had regular then think about it on the bright side of things u can get upgraded DS!
or maybe even both DS types so you can have a collection XD